A Larger Universe


A Larger Universe

James L Gillaspy

The broadcast interview of a young computer prodigy attracts the attention of aliens aboard an interstellar trading ship. The kidnapping of Tommy (and his cat) begins an adventure among the stars, a coming of age story entangled with computers, faster-than-light travel, a dying civilization, and an ancient evil.

(Extract from the back cover).

 A Larger Universe has become a bit of stand out from the thousands of self-published works on Amazon. While a lot of content on the web is garbage, every now and then something rises above it all and you get the good stuff which, according to numerous Sci-Fi buffs, this book is.

I’ll admit to not having read much Science Fiction so when Gillaspy is compared to early Heinlen (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_A._Heinlein) I’ll have to take their word for it.

What I found interesting about the writing style was that even though it didn’t dwell on emotions so much, (like he is crying but then they quickly move onto something else), you still care about the main character and want to know what is going to happen to him. What was also amazing, was that despite the pages and pages of detailed computer programing plot developments, I still wasn’t put me off, so yes – the buzz was right and there is something about this book.

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